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In-Person Event at UCLA

  • 5 May 2023
  • 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM (PDT)
  • UCLA Royce Hall 314

FRIDAY, MAY 5, 2023

UCLA - Royce Hall 314

9:00aM - 6:00PM

The California Map Society is proud to support UCLA’s Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies & the Center for Early Global Studies to present a one-day conference:

“The Intermingling of Cartography 

and Literature in the Early Modern Period”

Click HERE for the up-to-date event page at UCLA.

No registration required for this event,

although you will need to pay for parking at UCLA.

Organized by Chet Van Duzer and Steve McCormick, the program of the conference offers rich and diverse perspectives on the interactions between literature and cartography in the early modern period.

Scheduled speakers and their subjects, in alphabetical order:

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